PDP Group in the Mass Media

Publications and speeches by PDP Group

   Personal data protection as a competitive advantage.
Read more  here


   Polish Radio takes an interest in problems raised by PDP Group regarding the most common misuses of personal data
Read more  here

  Our expert warns – take care of your personal data.
Pełną wypowiedź można obejrzeć na  wprost.pl  
PDP Group expert is quoted by Interia
The full comment may be read  interia.pl
On the pages of the website we deal with issues regarding the upcoming changes to European personal data protection law
The full comment may be read  inwestycje.pl

 Facebook is a huge marketing machine. How does it treat personal data protection?
The full comment may be read  socialpress.pl


 Michal Serzycki interview, an Expert from the PDP Group, General Inspector of Personal Data Protection in the years 2006-2010
The full text may be read on  mediarun.pl


How to protect personal data in the marketing machine? – Marketing activities and personal data protection
The full text can be found on  marketing-news.pl
Marketing and upcoming changes to personal data protection law
The full text can be found on  marketing-news.pl



Despite of the PDP Group's brief existence was have been noted by trade press. 


BizRun.pl - BizRun – inspirująco o biznesie
The valued and reputable business internet site bizrun.pl wrote:
"As a response to new market challenges, a new informal group was created which contains the very best experts in the area of personal data protection (PDP Group)... ..." - read more on: BIZRUN.pl


Gazeta Bankowa (Bank Newspappers) noted:
"The PDP Group, in protecting the interests of data controllers, as well as protecting the rights of persons whose data is processed by the controllers, launched Poland's first certification process for businesses using good and legal practices in the field of personal data ......" - read more on: GB.pl


The financial web portal Inwestycje.pl noted that
"The PDP Group is one of the first of this sort of initiative in Europe which consists of experts with decades of experience, e.g. Ewa Kulesza (the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection in the years 1998-2006) and Michał Serzycki (the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection in the years 2006-2010) ..."- read more on: Inwestycje.pl


“Polish Market”, which has been promoting for years major economic events, writes
"The number of supervisory authority inspections is increasing, and companies that do not comply with personal data protection law may receive heavy financial penalties ...."  - read more on: polishmarket.home.pl

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